Anthony Christodoulou
Scott Holtzman
Record 12 - 6 - 0 14 - 6 - 0
Age 35 39
Height 69.00 69.00
Reach 69.00
Leg Reach 39.00
Knockouts 5.00
Striking Accuracy 27.00 48.00
Strikes Per Min. 2.19 4.32
Sig Strike Defense 45 55
Absorbed per min. 5.90 3.66
Standing Strikes 461
Clinch Strikes 115
Ground Strikes 147
Grappling Accuracy 0.00 57.00
Strikes to Head 29 528
Strikes to Body 6 117
Strikes to Leg 5 78
Knockdown Ratio 0.00 0.36
Takedowns per 15 0.00 1.88
Takedown Defense 40 67
Average Fight Time 549 772
First Round Finishes 2