Zachary Reese
Jose Daniel Medina
Record 8 - 1 - 0 11 - 4 - 0
Age 30 33
Height 76.00 72.00
Reach 77.00
Leg Reach 45.00
Knockouts 5.00 8.00
Striking Accuracy 67.00 26.00
Strikes Per Min. 5.32 1.60
Sig Strike Defense 28 53
Absorbed per min. 6.21 4.87
Standing Strikes 11 16
Clinch Strikes 1 4
Ground Strikes 6 4
Grappling Accuracy 0.00
Strikes to Head 9 20
Strikes to Body 6 4
Strikes to Leg 3 0
Knockdown Ratio 4.43 0.00
Takedowns per 15 0.00 0.00
Takedown Defense 0 14
Average Fight Time 68 900
First Round Finishes 7 6