Al Iaquinta
Rodrigo Damm
Record 14 - 7 - 1 12 - 9 - 0
Age 36 43
Height 70.00 67.00
Reach 70.00
Leg Reach 40.00
Knockouts 7.00
Striking Accuracy 41.00
Strikes Per Min. 4.06 0.00
Sig Strike Defense 61 0
Absorbed per min. 4.53 0.00
Standing Strikes 715
Clinch Strikes 31
Ground Strikes 28
Grappling Accuracy 19.00
Strikes to Head 521 0
Strikes to Body 145 0
Strikes to Leg 108 0
Knockdown Ratio 0.55 0.00
Takedowns per 15 0.63 0.00
Takedown Defense 74 0
Average Fight Time 762 0
First Round Finishes 6